Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I’ve got spirit, how about you?

A typical lunch at KSJC
One of the biggest problems that KIPP San Jose Collegiate faces is the lack of school spirit. Lack of school spirit is an issue when students or teachers plan things outside of school that depend on student participation and students don’t attend.
Students and teachers put a lot of effort into making outside events, like the Fall Festival, happen with the thought of the students in mind. When few students attend to these events, it makes the organizers hesitant about doing something similar in the future.
In order to get the school spirit up, students need to be more excited about school wide events. They also have to have the mind set to actually want to get involved in school activities.
English department head Elizabeth Barrett said, “Students are busy and tired but if we had more school spirit emended, it can be motivation to students.”
One way school spirit could be improved is, “do more with houses throughout the year so it won’t be just during House Olympics,” said Barret.
Having similar ideas, junior Emily Quach said, “Well, it’s [school spirit] not as exciting but, I think it has to do with the fact that everyone is quite busy now. Hopefully by the end of the year, school spirit will end up like how it did last year during House Olympics.”
Fellow junior Aaron Tang said, “It [school spirit] is not as exciting this year because we aren’t doing anything right now, but it will get better.”
Lack of school spirit make students feel like school is boring and unimportant. Honestly school spirit may be what KSJC needs to fix student attitude towards school related things.
Hopefully students will realize that school will be a lot more exciting and fun if students raise the school spirit.  Students are busy nowadays but need to get more pumped up or else school will be nothing but an obligation.

1 comment:

  1. The things that I liked about the article were that I talked about an issue that the school that applied to the audience I was aiming towards and was sort of like a subliminal message to the students that read it. For example, I was trying to convey how KSJC was lacking school spirit so that students would realize it and be more pumped about school. The things that are lacking in the article are how more students could have more school spirit and things that could help. I also think that my writing skills in this article aren’t very good. If I could rewrite the article I would have wrote the article in more of a newspaper manner. It is to make the article more professional and get a clearer angle. Also I could have added a few more elements that would have made the article easier to follow.
